Friday, August 19, 2011

Erectile Dysfunction Exercise

Erectile Dysfunction is a growing concern among men in the world. As men get older, sometimes lose the ability to get an erection. This is caused by many things including genetics, poor diet, lack of exercise and even stress. There are drugs that can treat erectile dysfunction. There are also some simple and easy exercises that can help treat your erectile dysfunction. There are:

Cardiovascular Exercise
As men grow older, their bodies are easily tired, and they have little time for exercise. Men often leave their body condition down a bit, and gained weight slightly. It is very difficult to regain the body shape as most men do not even bother. This causes decreased blood flow throughout the body, which can lead to erectile dysfunction. Try to do a little walking, jogging, running or other cardiovascular exercise. Even jump 20 times a day will improve your blood flow.

Pelvic Contractions
One useful exercise to treat your erectile dysfunction is a contraction of the pelvis. This is a simple exercise to do. Lying in a comfortable place. This is important because you do not want to ruin your back while practicing. If you must lie on the floor, use a blanket or pillow for your comfort. Bend your knees and renggangkan little, feet planted on the floor. Now tighten the muscles of your pelvic floor nearby. Do this quickly and powerfully. Hold your muscles for 10 seconds. Once you loosen your muscles, relax for 10 seconds. Do three sets of pelvic contractions twice a day.

Flat Pumps
This is the yoga exercises that increase blood flow to the pelvis. It might be more difficult for people who are out of shape. Lie on the floor. Breathing deeply and evenly throughout the exercise. It's important to get the right effect. Now, push your back to the floor to help avoid straining your lower back. Take a few deep breaths, and lift your right leg slowly as you inhale. This should be done slowly and can not be done haphazardly. Hold for five breaths and then lower it slowly as you exhale. Measure your exercise time with your breath. Repeat on the left side. Repeat this process up to 10 times.

Squat is one of the best exercises for the lower body. This exercise helps build muscle mass in your legs, which helps increase blood flow to the lower body. More blood to the groin will give a lot of energy at a lower area to help avoid a repeat of erectile dysfunction. Squat is simple. Put your hands on your waist and bend your knees. Keep your back straight and if you are comfortable, try as close as possible to the floor. Do not trouble yourself. Try to do about five to 10 reps per day. You will eventually feel the results.

Contraction Chairs
Sit in a chair. Do not lean but still straight. Breathe deeply. Now try to lift your testicles by contracting your pelvic muscles. Such as pelvic muscle contraction, hold this position as long as you can but do not exceed 10 seconds. After relaxing, rest for 10 seconds. Repeat three contractions twice a day. This is a great exercise to be combined with pelvic muscle contraction.

You can combine the erectile disfunction execise with male enhancement like VirtilityEX.


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